1 min read
07 Feb

The acquisition of a school bus for Mwatate Secondary School has sparked controversy and raised questions about the allocation of resources by Hon. Peter Shake, the Member of Parliament. While the gesture is commendable, concerns have been raised regarding the true priorities of the community and the urgent needs that remain unaddressed.

One cannot overlook the pressing issues facing primary education in the constituency. Schools like Kitivo Primary School, with a significant student population, lack basic infrastructure such as fencing, leaving them vulnerable to land disputes and security concerns. Similar challenges are faced by Mailikumi Primary School, Mwatunge Primary School, Godoma Primary School, and Kighononyi Primary School, exacerbating tensions between the schools and their surrounding communities.

Furthermore, the lack of adequate desks in rural schools highlights the dire need for essential resources to create a conducive learning environment for students. Additionally, the absence of a library in Mwatate Subcounty deprives underprivileged pupils and students of a vital resource for academic advancement and self-improvement. 

Hon. Shake's initiation of a food program, while beneficial, faces financial constraints that limit its sustainability. Moreover, over 230 students from Mwatate Subcounty lack the necessary school fees to pursue secondary education, indicating a deeper systemic issue that requires immediate attention.

The intended purpose of the bus was to serve both the sports fraternity and the wider community, acting as an asset for talent development and community welfare programs. However, miscommunication or oversight may have led to its allocation solely to Mwatate Secondary School, missing the opportunity for broader community benefit and utilization.

 It is imperative for leaders and decision-makers to prioritize the fundamental needs of the community over symbolic gestures. The role of the Member of Parliament and the NGCDF committee is to serve the best interests of the constituents, addressing their most pressing concerns effectively and responsibly. 

It is crucial for the management of Hon. Shake's office to critically assess the allocation of resources and provide informed advice to the leadership. However, two critical obstacles hinder effective counsel: reluctance due to age or a lack of a sense of ownership towards leadership. Addressing these impediments is essential to fostering effective governance and ensuring the welfare of the community.

The acquisition of a school bus, while beneficial, should not overshadow the urgent needs of education and infrastructure in Mwatate Constituency. Responsible allocation of resources, informed decision-making, and genuine commitment to serving the community are paramount to addressing the challenges and achieving meaningful progress.