
Many narrate, the hopes he rekindled in them ,he is a spark to many underprivileged families, he is the good guy in the game. "If he wants to climb,let him climb" Sagalla English ,(stop laughing please.)

Where the aspirations of communities often intersect with the complexities of governance, Johnes Mwaruma stands out as a beacon of service and advocacy. As a two-term Senator representing Taita Taveta County, Mwaruma's tenure has been characterized by unwavering dedication to the betterment of his constituents and the pursuit of equitable development.

Despite the absence of dedicated funds at the senatorial level, Mwaruma has demonstrated exceptional resourcefulness in leveraging his position to uplift the underprivileged segments of society. Notably, his efforts have led to the provision of scholarships to over 3500 teachers and professionals from disadvantaged backgrounds, thereby fostering educational empowerment and social mobility within the county.

ALSO READ:https://www.taitadaily.com/arts-n-culture/bantus-of-taita-short-film

Mwaruma's proactive approach to governance extends beyond conventional boundaries. As the first senator to engage the National Land Committee in Taita Taveta County, he has spearheaded efforts to resolve critical land disputes, safeguarding the property rights of residents and promoting stability within the community. Additionally, his advocacy for the issuance of title deeds in previously underserved areas underscores a commitment to enhancing land tenure security and fostering economic empowerment at the grassroots level.
Mwaruma's legislative agenda reflects a visionary outlook aimed at addressing pressing issues and advancing the welfare of his constituents. His proposed amendments to the Wildlife Management Act of 2013 underscore a pragmatic approach to conservation and community development. 

By advocating for expedited compensation, the establishment of insurance schemes, and an increase in revenue allocation to communities neighboring conservation areas, Mwaruma seeks to strike a balance between environmental stewardship and socioeconomic progress.
Mwaruma's conscientious fulfillment of his oversight responsibilities underscores his commitment to transparency and accountability in governance. Through diligent scrutiny of the financial allocations for the fiscal years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, he has upheld the principles of fiscal prudence and ensured that public resources are utilized judiciously for the benefit of the populace.

ALSO READ:https://www.youtube.com/@TaitaDaily_Ke?sub_confirmation=1
Johnes Mwaruma's tenure as Senator of Taita Taveta County epitomizes the transformative potential of servant leadership. His tireless advocacy, strategic initiatives, and steadfast commitment to the welfare of his constituents have earned him the respect and admiration of both colleagues and constituents alike. As he continues to champion progress and equity, Mwaruma remains a steadfast ally in the pursuit of a more just and prosperous future for Taita Taveta County and beyond.

Many narrate, the hopes he rekindled in them ,he is a spark to many underprivileged families, he is the good guy in the game. "If he wants to climb,let him climb" Sagalla English ,(stop laughing please.)

READ MORE:https://www.taitadaily.com/places/chinese-relatives-in-siyu-lamu

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He (Jowie) lacks stable partner relationships. He has antisocial patterns manifested by living on the edge. He is impulsive and a thrill seeker. He uses anger or aggression to control others. Has a double personality trait.

The High Court is set to impose its sentence on Joseph Irungu, also known as Jowie, for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani. This comes after a series of legal proceedings and deliberations that saw Jowie convicted of the heinous crime, while his co-accused, Jacque Maribe, was exonerated of the murder charge.

The ruling, delivered by Judge Grace Nzioka, made 13 findings that implicated both Irungu and Maribe. However, while Maribe was acquitted of the murder charge, she was found guilty of lying to a public officer. Interestingly, Judge Nzioka pointed out that Maribe could not be convicted of this offense since she had not been charged with it originally, raising questions about the legal process and the charges brought against her.

Joseph Irungu alias Jowie has been sentenced to death after he was found guilty of the 2018 murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani.

Delivering the verdict on Wednesday, High Court judge Grace Nzioka ruled that the horrific murder of Monica Kimani was "intentional."

"It was not a defensive act. It was not out of provocation. It was planned, intended and executed," ruled Justice Nzioka.


 The case garnered significant attention due to the gruesome nature of Monica Kimani's murder. The judge emphasized that the injuries sustained by Monica indicated meticulous planning, with her neck being slit in a manner akin to slaughtering a goat. Such details underscore the brutality of the crime and the need for justice to be served.

Throughout the trial, the prosecution failed to place Maribe at the scene of the crime, leading to her acquittal. Judge Nzioka highlighted the lack of sufficient evidence to incriminate Maribe and questioned the appropriateness of the charges brought against her. This decision has sparked discussions about the effectiveness of the legal system and the importance of ensuring fair and just proceedings.

As Jowie awaits sentencing, the revocation of his bond terms and his subsequent custody pending sentencing underscore the gravity of the situation. The court's decision will not only bring closure to the case but also serve as a reminder of the consequences of such heinous acts.

The impending sentencing of Jowie Irungu for Monica Kimani's murder marks a pivotal moment in the legal proceedings surrounding this tragic case. While Maribe has been exonerated, the pursuit of justice continues as the court deliberates on the appropriate punishment for the convicted defendant.  

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"Though we are met with challenges in implementation of such projects we will always find a way to overcome them, I am dedicated to fulfill what I promised to the people of Mwatate" Kennedy Mwalegha-MCA Mwatate Ward.

In his first year as MCA of Mwatate ward, Joseph Kennedy Mwalegha demonstrated unwavering commitment to his constituents. Despite facing challenges in project implementation, he remained resolute in fulfilling his promises to the people of Mwatate. With a determined spirit, he accomplished significant milestones, including providing bursaries to 1,366 needy students across 172 institutions, designing the impactful Dimisha Sponsorship Programme, and actively leading efforts to resolve land issues and mitigate environmental pollution.

Empowering Education

  • Bursary Issuance: Providing essential support to 1,366 needy students across 172 institutions.
  • Secondary School Bursaries: Joseph Kennedy Mwalegha, MCA of Mwatate ward, granted 1,164 bursaries to the neediest students, totaling Kes. 4,194,360.
  • Higher Education Opportunities: Assisting 54 college students (Kes. 197,640) and 82 in higher education (Kes. 300,120).
  • Inclusive Support: Extending help to 13 students with special needs (Kes. 47,580) and 71 in vocational training centres (Kes. 259,580).

Dimisha Sponsorship Programme

  • Fighting Poverty: Joseph Mwalegha's initiative has empowered over 79 young men and women through training in driving, beauty, and utility skills.
  • Commitment to Overcome Challenges: Despite obstacles, Mwalegha remains dedicated to fulfilling his promises to the people of Mwatate.

Land and Environmental Stewardship

  • Chair of the Lands and Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution Sectorial Committee to address land issues and ensure fair compensation.
  • Water Connectivity: Allocating Kes. 2 million to pave the way for water connectivity from Josa and continuing to invest Kes. 2 million for project completion.
  • Road Improvement: Committing Kes. 2 million for the grading and murraming of the Landi to Mdidinyi road.
  • Environmental Advocacy: Championing the removal or mitigation of the Landi dumpsite to prevent negative health impacts on the community.

Ongoing Projects

  • Mlambenyi Social Project: A Kes. 2 million allocation for project completion.
  • Peleleza Public Toilet: A Kes. 1 million investment to finalise construction.
  • Kipusi Public Toilet: Allocating Kes. 1 million to ensure its completion.

Community Support and Social Programmes

  • Continuous Contribution: Committing to ongoing support and contributions to community development.
  • Social Group Assistance: Issuing Kes. 1 million worth of tents to social groups in the community for their events, including weddings and funerals.

Joseph Kennedy Mwalegha's dedication and persistence in the face of adversity reflect his strong commitment to improving the lives of the community he serves.

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For older persons seeking to register for the program, mark your calendars for the start date of September 1, 2023. Registration for older beneficiaries will take place at Social Development Offices situated in sub-county offices. To be eligible for this program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Inua Jamii Program: Registration Open for Orphans, Vulnerable Children, Older Persons, and People with Disabilities

The Inua Jamii program is currently ongoing with registrations and offers support to orphans, vulnerable children, older persons, and individuals with severe disabilities in Kenya. This initiative aims to provide essential assistance to those in need, and there are no registration fees involved.

If you meet the eligibility criteria for this program, it's important to take action promptly. To begin the registration process, visit the nearest Social and Development Services offices in your location, where dedicated staff will guide you through the process and offer any necessary assistance.

For older persons seeking to register for the program, mark your calendars for the start date of September 1, 2023. Registration for older beneficiaries will take place at Social Development Offices situated in sub-county offices. To be eligible for this program, applicants must meet the following criteria: 

  • Kenyan Citizenship: You must be a Kenyan citizen aged 70 years or older.
  • National Identity Card: Possession of a valid National Identity Card is a mandatory requirement.
  • Caregiver Identification: During the registration process, all older persons will be required to identify a caregiver. Beneficiaries are free to nominate anyone they wish to be their caregiver, provided that the chosen individual is 18 years of age or older and possesses a valid National ID card.

The administration has provided an important advisory to streamline the registration process and ensure efficiency.

There is no need for individuals to crowd the offices for registration.

Instead, the registration activity will be conducted at the village level, making it more accessible and convenient for eligible participants.

This initiative demonstrates the commitment of the Inua Jamii program to improve the well-being of vulnerable populations in Kenya.

By providing support to orphans, vulnerable children, older persons, and individuals with severe disabilities, the program aims to create a positive impact in the lives of those who need it most.

For more information and updates on the Inua Jamii program, stay connected with TaitaDaily.com. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest news and updates on important initiatives like these that affect our local communities.

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In the remote Singila Majengo village of Mwatate, Kenya, David Sanguli has spent the last 16 years haunted by the loss of his right arm. The tragic incident that changed his life forever occurred in 2007 at Teita Estate sisal farm, leaving him grappling with not just physical trauma but also the exorbitant cost of retrieving his severed limb from Wesu Hospital Mortuary.

In the remote Singila Majengo village of Mwatate, Kenya, David Sanguli has spent the last 16 years haunted by the loss of his right arm.

The tragic incident that changed his life forever occurred in 2007 at Teita Estate sisal farm, leaving him grappling with not just physical trauma but also the exorbitant cost of retrieving his severed limb from Wesu Hospital Mortuary. 

It was a fateful evening in May 2007 when Sanguli's life took a devastating turn. While working at the Teita Estate sisal farm, his right hand was severed by a machine as he fed sisal leaves into it. The excruciating pain, shock, and panic set in as his colleagues rushed to switch off the power.

Police Involvement and Mortuary Bill 

Sanguli's severed hand was taken by the police to Wesu Hospital Mortuary. As he received treatment at Moi County Referral Hospital in Voi, he learned about the fate of his limb.

In April 2008, a police letter finally allowed him to retrieve it, but it came with a staggering mortuary bill of KSh 106,000. Sanguli couldn't comprehend why preserving an arm for 355 days would demand such an exorbitant sum. 

With his medical condition, raising the money was impossible, and his pleas for a waiver fell on deaf ears. The mounting bill now stands at an unthinkable one million shillings.

Disposal Dilemma

 Worse still, the Public Health Act, Cap. 242, mandates the removal and disposal of unclaimed bodies from the mortuary after just fourteen days. The possibility of his arm being disposed of hangs like a grim cloud over Sanguli's quest for reunion and closure. 

A Glimpse of Hope 

Despite the odds, David Sanguli remains hopeful that one day, he will not only be reunited with his missing limb but also find the closure he so desperately seeks through a proper burial. His enduring faith fuels his determination to see this heartbreaking journey through.

For David Sanguli, the quest to retrieve his severed arm is a harrowing tale of perseverance and hope. His story serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges individuals face when seeking justice and closure after traumatic incidents.

The question of whether his arm remains in the mortuary freezer or has been disposed of remains unanswered, leaving him in agonizing limbo.

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