2 min read
16 Sep

One of the world's largest sisal estates, located in Taita Taveta County, is set to change hands. The impending sale or lease of this vast agricultural and industrial complex has raised questions about the sustainability of its assets and their potential impact on the local community.

Bidding value estimated at USD 180 million, equivalent to ksh. 26.1 billion exchange today.

This intriguing development, led by Governor Andrew Mwadime and the county government, has left many speculating about the motives behind it.

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Local political Analysts think it is very wrong for Mwadime to engage in such practises; they feel like buying your own land.

A social media post made by a youth in a  political arena,  Roger Ngoo, projected the feelings of many.

"......If the lease has ended, it can only be renewed upon approval or vacate the land for other investors, not the county buying its own land! Infact  Government is not allowed to venture into profit making unless it establishes parastatals and acts on governance are enacted by the respective County assembly to guide the institutions, not the way things are done currently!....." The post read.

Political critics feel Andrew Mwadime,the governor, is being misled,either by his advisors or influenced by higher ground, for benefits that are not even open to him as a person or the people of Taita Taveta County.

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Sustainability at Stake

One of the foremost concerns surrounding this transaction is the long-term sustainability of the estate's assets. From tractors and livestock to hotels and various income-generating activities, this estate is a multi-faceted economic powerhouse. The fate of the more than 4,000 staff employees, most of whom reside in Mwatate, hangs in the balance. The sudden closure of such a massive operation could have dire consequences for the local economy.

Political Influence or Economic Necessity?

As with many high-value transactions, there is always room for speculation about political influence. Is this move an attempt to settle political scores, or is it a strategic decision to boost the county's own source of revenue? While the finer details of the deal, including profit-sharing and corporate social responsibility initiatives, have not been publicly disclosed, there is a need for transparency to allay concerns and suspicions.

Learning from Mumias Sugar

The cautionary tale of Mumias Sugar, another once-thriving enterprise that ultimately closed its doors amid political turmoil, looms large. The repercussions of such a closure could be devastating for Taita Taveta County. High unemployment rates, increased crime, heightened poverty levels, and a surge in drug abuse are all potential outcomes if the sisal estate were to meet a similar fate.

ALSO READ this/ https://www.taitadaily.com/politics/this-land-of-400-000-people

Hope for a Brighter Future

Taita Taveta citizens are left in a state of uncertainty, with their hopes resting on the outcome of this pivotal transaction. The destiny of the estate, its employees, and the broader community is at stake, making it imperative for all stakeholders to engage in open dialogue and ensure that the best interests of the county are served.As this intriguing story continues to unfold, it is essential for Taita Taveta residents and the wider public to closely monitor developments and demand transparency in this high-stakes deal.