
Artists fuel innovation and problem-solving by bringing fresh perspectives, influencing the industry, and fostering innovation across sectors like technology, healthcare, and sustainability. In response to the pandemic, the shift to digital made society rethink and prioritize accessibility during the pandemic because the sector faced many challenges with in-person events. As a result, arts organizations promptly shifted their programming online, allowing the public to engage with the arts from wherever they may be. This is merely scratching the surface of a much deeper and broader impact. The creative economy holds tremendous potential to bring positive change to society, which is why it’s important to advocate for and invest in it, ensuring that we can all enjoy the benefits the creative economy offers.

The creative economy is not just about creative expression and cultural enrichment. It plays a critical role in making the places we live enjoyable, with the power to enhance our quality of life, drive social change, foster innovation, and contribute to society’s overall well-being.

The following are main reasons to welcome and embrace creative economy in Taita Taveta.

Before we discuss this reasons let us understand what is creative economy and made made up of what dimensions.

The creative economy further comprise of various knowledge-based economic activities involving tangible products and intangible intellectual assets, with economic and culture value, creative content and market objectives

These industries include advertising, architecture, arts and crafts, design, fashion, film, video, photography, music, performing arts, publishing, research and development, software, computer games, electronic publishing and TV/radio. 

so reasons lest we discuss;

  1. Economic Empowerment

The creative economy enables artists to turn their passions and talents into sustainable career paths that can result in more enjoyable, vibrant lives. Promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment in the community gives creative workers more agency over how they want to earn an income, leading to increased job creation and economic growth.

   2. Community Development 

 As the economy begins to flourish, so does community development. Creativity can rebuild communities and make them more inclusive. The rise of exhibitions, museums, theaters, and music venues serves as a catalyst for attracting more tourists, therefore boosting the local economy and contributing toward the development of community, artistic expression, and entertainment for everyone who visits.

  3.Social Inclusion 

Social inclusion is pivotal for creating a diverse and thriving community. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to engage, contribute, and benefit from the creative sector. By utilizing creativity as a platform for change, underserved communities can express themselves, tell their stories, advocate for social change, and challenge the status quo.

 4.Cultural Preservation 

 Let’s keep traditions and cultural values alive! What is art without the history and context behind how it came to life? Cultural preservation is key to creating diverse cultural expressions and a sense of pride and identity in a community. It also encourages communities to learn about different cultures and strengthens social bonds.

Click to this link and view some of Taita Taveta based art works like films:https://youtu.be/Mfv9pPji_8U?si=581g0AGNPiXDoEmH

Click this link and get updates on films from Taita Taveta county:


5. Innovation and Problem-Solving 

Artists fuel innovation and problem-solving by bringing fresh perspectives, influencing the industry, and fostering innovation across sectors like technology, healthcare, and sustainability. In response to the pandemic, the shift to digital made society rethink and prioritize accessibility during the pandemic because the sector faced many challenges with in-person events. As a result, arts organizations promptly shifted their programming online, allowing the public to engage with the arts from wherever they may be. This is merely scratching the surface of a much deeper and broader impact. The creative economy holds tremendous potential to bring positive change to society, which is why it’s important to advocate for and invest in it, ensuring that we can all enjoy the benefits the creative economy offers.

The sixth reason is far-fetched because of the situation we have in this county.

  6.The wage-bill question

The burgeoning wage bill in Taita Taveta County, currently standing at 57% and poised to escalate to 60%, signifies a prevailing inclination towards traditional employment paradigms rather than fostering a culture of entrepreneurial innovation and risk-taking. 

This trend underscores a pressing need to recalibrate the county's economic priorities towards sustainable development initiatives that transcend mere employment generation. Lamentably, the absence of dedicated policies and budgetary allocations aimed at nurturing the creative economy exacerbates this predicament, relegating the pursuit of creative ventures to a perilous endeavor unsuitable for the faint-hearted.

Nevertheless, amidst the fiscal strains imposed by burgeoning expenditure, there exists a beacon of hope in the form of the untapped potential of the creative economy within Taita Taveta County. With a promising success rate estimated at 85%, facilitated by the presence of influential stakeholders such as UNESCO and other supportive entities, the realization of this potential hinges upon a concerted effort to harness and monetize the rich cultural and tourism assets inherent to the region. 

Therefore, while the challenges are formidable, the imperative to diversify revenue streams and foster an environment conducive to creative enterprise compels us to venture boldly into this realm, guided by a vision of sustainable prosperity for Taita Taveta County and its inhabitants.


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He (Jowie) lacks stable partner relationships. He has antisocial patterns manifested by living on the edge. He is impulsive and a thrill seeker. He uses anger or aggression to control others. Has a double personality trait.

The High Court is set to impose its sentence on Joseph Irungu, also known as Jowie, for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani. This comes after a series of legal proceedings and deliberations that saw Jowie convicted of the heinous crime, while his co-accused, Jacque Maribe, was exonerated of the murder charge.

The ruling, delivered by Judge Grace Nzioka, made 13 findings that implicated both Irungu and Maribe. However, while Maribe was acquitted of the murder charge, she was found guilty of lying to a public officer. Interestingly, Judge Nzioka pointed out that Maribe could not be convicted of this offense since she had not been charged with it originally, raising questions about the legal process and the charges brought against her.

Joseph Irungu alias Jowie has been sentenced to death after he was found guilty of the 2018 murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani.

Delivering the verdict on Wednesday, High Court judge Grace Nzioka ruled that the horrific murder of Monica Kimani was "intentional."

"It was not a defensive act. It was not out of provocation. It was planned, intended and executed," ruled Justice Nzioka.


 The case garnered significant attention due to the gruesome nature of Monica Kimani's murder. The judge emphasized that the injuries sustained by Monica indicated meticulous planning, with her neck being slit in a manner akin to slaughtering a goat. Such details underscore the brutality of the crime and the need for justice to be served.

Throughout the trial, the prosecution failed to place Maribe at the scene of the crime, leading to her acquittal. Judge Nzioka highlighted the lack of sufficient evidence to incriminate Maribe and questioned the appropriateness of the charges brought against her. This decision has sparked discussions about the effectiveness of the legal system and the importance of ensuring fair and just proceedings.

As Jowie awaits sentencing, the revocation of his bond terms and his subsequent custody pending sentencing underscore the gravity of the situation. The court's decision will not only bring closure to the case but also serve as a reminder of the consequences of such heinous acts.

The impending sentencing of Jowie Irungu for Monica Kimani's murder marks a pivotal moment in the legal proceedings surrounding this tragic case. While Maribe has been exonerated, the pursuit of justice continues as the court deliberates on the appropriate punishment for the convicted defendant.  

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For the 2024/2025 Academic year, Taita Taveta University will be offering Self-Sponsored Programmes starting in May and September 2024. The minimum entry requirements for each program, as well as the application forms, can be found on the university's website at www.ttu.ac.ke.

Are you looking to further your education and expand your horizons? Taita Taveta University invites you to join its diverse academic community and pursue your academic goals. Whether you are interested in certificate, diploma, undergraduate, or postgraduate programs, Taita Taveta University offers a wide range of courses to choose from.

For the 2024/2025 Academic year, Taita Taveta University will be offering Self-Sponsored Programmes starting in May and September 2024. The minimum entry requirements for each program, as well as the application forms, can be found on the university's website at www.ttu.ac.ke.

To apply, simply download the application forms, fill them out, and pay the non-refundable processing fee at the Taita Taveta University through E-Citizen Paybill: 222222 Account: AFAM. The application processing fees for Kenyan applicants are as follows: Ph.D./Master – Ksh. 2000/=; Bachelor -Ksh. 1500/=; Diploma-Ksh. 1000/=; Certificate-Ksh. 500/=.

The completed application forms should be returned to: The Registrar (Academic, Research and Outreach), Taita Taveta University, P.O. Box 635-80300, Voi, Kenya, or emailed to admissions@ttu.ac.ke. Applications must reach the office not later than 30th March 2024 for the May Intake and 31st July 2024 for the September Intake.

For those applying through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), the deadline has been extended to 26th February 2024.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and prepare for a successful future. 

How to access and navigate the KUCCPS portal ,steps.







If you happen to make a mistake ,repeat the process but do not pay again.

Join Taita Taveta University and embark on a rewarding academic journey.

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for those who applied to start a liquor/bar business and have already paid a fee of 4 thousand shillings, they have been advised to wait until they receive a message from them, so that the alcohol they sell and the business environment can be inspected, as those who disobey the order will face legal action.

The county alcohol sales control board (County Liquor Board ) led by its chairman Anthony Kiseu In collaboration with the officers of the security unit, KEBS , NACADA , KRA among other units , (MULTI AGENCY TEAM- Taita Taveta chapter) they have put in place strategies to start a search against the production of illegal alcohol that does not reach the required quality.

In a meeting held at the Taita Taveta county commissioner's office, Josephine Onunga, the chairman of the board says the main goal is to ensure that the alcohol sold to residents reaches the required quality to control the disaster following a recent incident in Kirinyaga county where 13 people died and 5 others lost their ability to see after drinking alcohol containing chemicals such as Ethanol.

"As a board, we will not accept what happened in Kirinyaga to hit us and we will cooperate with various organizations and authorities so that we can face those who continue this illegal business because if it is not faced early, it will actually lead to the loss of life, especially for alcoholic beverages that have not been approved by the relevant authorities KEBS," said Kiseu.

He calls on bar traders to comply with existing laws, including having a license and ensuring that alcohol and their business environment are inspected before development.

Commissioner Josephine Onunga has said that as the Department of Security they will ensure that the established laws are followed to deal with the sale of illegal alcohol in this county.

" We will not allow what is happening in other counties to reach us, we will make sure we control this situation and those who promote illegal trade will not be updated" said Commissioner Onunga.

In addition, for those who applied to start a liquor/bar business and have already paid a fee of 4 thousand shillings, they have been advised to wait until they receive a message from them, so that the alcohol they sell and the business environment can be inspected, as those who disobey the order will face legal action.

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