2 min read
03 Sep
THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY.                                    #taitatavetacounty

Taita Taveta County, nestled in the heart of Kenya, is known for its peaceful environment and strong community cohesiveness. However, beneath this serene façade lie pressing issues that require immediate attention.

One of the most concerning problems is the widespread prevalence of drug abuse among youth, including the use of substances like khat leaves(Moghokaa) especially, marijuana, and excessive alcohol consumption. In this article, we will delve into these issues, explore potential solutions, and address the alarming security concerns affecting the girl child in the constituency.

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Youth and Drug Abuse

Taita Taveta County is grappling with a growing problem of drug and substance abuse, particularly among its youth. This issue is deeply rooted in the lack of employment opportunities, leaving many young individuals idle and vulnerable to the temptations of drug abuse. The term "moghokaaa" is commonly used to refer to khat, a stimulant chewed for its euphoric effects.

Additionally, marijuana and heavy alcohol consumption are prevalent among youth, driven by the need to escape stress and boredom.

Addressing Youth Unemployment

To combat the issue of youth unemployment and its contribution to drug abuse, there is a need for proactive policies and initiatives at the county level.

The county assembly can play a pivotal role in creating favorable conditions for the youth, such as by offering support to innovative and industrious individuals. Furthermore, the development of the "orange economy," focusing on creative and cultural industries, has the potential to absorb a significant number of idle and jobless youth. Investing in such sectors can lead to economic growth and job creation, providing a pathway for youth to escape the cycle of substance abuse.

Girl Child Security and Protection

One of the most pressing security concerns in the Taveta constituency is the safety and protection of the girl child. 

Tragic incidents, such as the rape and murder of Neema Owako, have shocked the community and raised questions about the adequacy of security measures. Hon. Bwire Okano, the MP for the Taveta constituency, has vocally expressed his concerns about the lax security in the area. The death of Neema Owako serves as a litmus test for the efficiency of security agencies in safeguarding lives and property.

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During Neema Owako's burial service, Hon. Bwire Okano decried the poor security checks by authorities and called for justice for the victim. He stated, "The murderers of Neema will find no peace. Karma will soon catch up with them." This reflects the frustration and determination of the community to hold the perpetrators accountable and ensure the safety of their children.

Taita Taveta County faces significant challenges related to youth unemployment, drug abuse, and the security of the girl child. To address these issues, a multi-pronged approach is needed, involving proactive policies to create job opportunities for youth and a stronger focus on the safety and protection of vulnerable members of the community.

Only through collaboration and a collective effort can Taita Taveta County overcome these challenges and pave the way for a brighter future.


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