2 min read
15 Nov
WE ELECTED WHAT WE ELECTED! #taitadaily #taitataveta

Leaders listen even a female Kangaroo listens, despite being in hurry to jump around...

14 months now down the line and leaders in Taita Taveta generally can’t show citizens anything to smile about. The governor of Taita Taveta County has been notably playing the escape game for reasons He may need time to find donors or investors to boost own source revenue for the county. Politics continue to heat up but for some reason, netizens think Mwadime the Governor is very slow and feeble not to even answer criticism.

If the criticism was constructive not infuriated by political alignments and suspected of powerful people playing from dark curtains then perhaps The governor could come out and answer the criticism to Narrow down the line and avoid the blame game. Proper implementation and development are being witnessed from Taveta and Wundanyi, which is Hon.Bwire and Hon.Mwashako.

Hon. Canon Peter Shake I guess he should be canonical and noble to achieve his agenda as the Mp Mwatate constituency, in his campaigns he dearly promised to make Mwatate a very new heaven by dusting the legacy if there that the former MP now the governor could have left behind, during his tenure. 

These were Hon. Canon Peter Shake promises during campaigns,

  1. Recruitment of youth to Kenya Defense Forces,
  2. To continue feeding program in schools after being elected
  3. To make sure that the parks around Taita Taveta are giving CSR to the community by raising the percentage and if not possible he will mobile the local community to demonstrate for the benefit of them.
  4. To form village companies so as to make it fair in the tenderpreneurship process in NGCDF
  5. He promised to act on this quickly in his first days in office
  6. He promised to attend to the issue of gemstones and minerals which he could have vaguely achieved, let us do a half smile for that.

HON. SHAKE he is a good guy, he recently paid pending bills to all of the monies of that financial year, was that a development under the agenda he previously sang? 

HE IS A VERY SOFT-SPOKEN person and a humble character maybe this is why he is failing to accomplish what he promised, or he is lacking support from the surrounding clique. But no, he is the elected leader. 

Then if so can he publish the names of the companies that were paid pending bills and for which projects and to what amount each project, can he come that clean and remain a good Canon? He may be a very big elephant in the room by launching projects that are not funded with funds from NGCDF it is okay.

Maybe citizens will use razor blades to slay it out. Maybe he took a very high and accidentally fell or fell, we can only do two things, be quiet and hear the falling thud he will drop with, or Prepare our feeble joined hands to receive him before he hits the ground. With concern there are individuals who won’t agree with this concept It is okay you don’t have to agree with either, just wait for the above two things to keep. If Governor Mwadime continues to play hide and seek, it will look ugly and harsher than Kishushe dry lands in sunny seasons.

The question is how do you afford to eat sleep, wake up, walk to the bank, and withdraw money that has been paid to you as a leader through tax that citizens contribute, Taita Taveta belongs to everyone let us build it. No one is dirty or clean only if you think you are or if this gets you bitter and furious. See how Taita Taveta citizens are languishing in poverty while we are busy giving political alignments, just see.

See how Mwatate Sub County, the richest of all, not even a youth or a mother can survive a funeral without contributions. 

Such a disparity. 

See how leaders are escaping citizens by playing and keeping the thought that they need handouts.

Anyway, Citizens would really like to get answers from Hon. Peter Mbogho Shake - MP Mwatate as to why we are witnessing the unfortunate collapse of MTTI at Kirughurunyi just 8 years after completion. It will be prudent to get answers from you not only as the area MP but also as the Contractor who was awarded that job for a whooping Kes 53.9 million yet to get very substandard work done, not even ramps were done, no gutters were done, (you just did recently with fresh funding by you as the MP), at this century!

It is open that in the proposal of the financial year 2022-23, Elijah Mzae secondary school in Wusi Kishamba ward had an approved allocation of Kes 6 million for the construction of a science laboratory for 50 capacity sitting students. 

However, as we talk now Elijah Mzae Secondary School has not received the allocation because the funds were re-allocated to do repairs to the crumbling Mwatate Technical Training Institute (MTTI) which you constructed at a whooping 53.9 million in the year 2016 ( 8 years ago). 

I am sure Hezron Mwashighadi the now coordinator of the MP office, Hon Shake can start seeing the gaps please don’t fill the gaps with sand, inform your boss, again don’t get sad inform your boss, things are getting messy, he is very brilliant, eavesdrop might be the incoming MCA that ward, no threat. 

Let us plant more trees but in schools, the survival rate will be high, again, let us remember we have initiatives like Mwatate CBO and others, and they could be funded for the same.

Is MTTI an emergency, and what has warranted it to be an emergency project?

Is it the crumbling state of MTTI due to an unforeseen occurrence or is it due to the shoddy work that you did as the contractor?

Please follow the next update on taitadaily.com, Chawia ward blunders and cocktails, where we sing we sing, where we cry we cry.