2 min read
19 Sep

In the beautiful landscapes of Taita Taveta County, it's disheartening to witness the careless disposal of garbage that mars the environment. Our environment reflects the state of our collective responsibility, and it's time for a wake-up call. Let's put politics aside and focus on efficient waste management and environmental preservation for the betterment of our community. 

The Department of Waste Management and Environment in Taita Taveta County plays a pivotal role in maintaining the cleanliness of our region. Instead of engaging in political wrangling, let's urge them to prioritise their mandate and provide effective services to the community.

Businesses that pay for waste collection services must remember that it doesn't grant them the privilege to indiscriminately dump garbage. It's imperative that influential and respected business premises set an example by ensuring their waste is disposed of responsibly, preventing water waste from running into the paths of our towns. 

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) must not only talk but also act. With numerous policies and frameworks at their disposal, it's time for them to implement practical solutions to address environmental issues. Let's remind NEMA that the well-being of our residents, particularly those who cannot afford health insurance, is at stake.

Taita Taveta County is our home, and we need to protect it. Instead of polluting the air and risking health problems, let's come together to preserve our environment. We are all interconnected, and it's crucial that we prioritise the health and well-being of our fellow community members.

We must acknowledge the efforts of the Environment Department in Taita Taveta County. They work tirelessly to manage our environment, and their dedication deserves recognition.

However, there's a challenge with the incineration of garbage in the town centre. Gas emissions from burning waste can lead to respiratory issues, eye problems, and unpleasant odours in the central business district. We need to address this issue promptly.

To attract serious investors, we must pay attention to town planning. Placing garbage receptacles in the heart of the town doesn't present an appealing image. It's time to demolish these receptacles and relocate them to the outskirts of town for a cleaner and more attractive environment.

We have community-based organisations, such as MWATATE CBO, dedicated to town cleaning. Collaboratively, with the support of the environment department, they can ensure the proper collection and disposal of day-to-day garbage, contributing to the revitalization of Mwatate. 

The responsibility for a cleaner and healthier Taita Taveta County lies with each of us, from residents to businesses to government departments. By respecting our environment and working together, we can make Mwatate great and set an example for sustainable living.

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